CBSE Affiliation No.: 330099


Guidelines for Students

All the students must possess school diary, textbooks, note books, stationery etc.

Students are advised not to bring valuable articles to the school. The school will not be responsible incase they are lost.

Application for leave must be submitted a day in advance. It should be counter signed by the student's parents/guardian.

Students must come in school uniform.

They must be clean, neat and tidy.

Students must obey the House Captains and the Leaders on duty.

Students are not allowed to leave the school during working hours unless the parents/guardian, whose signature are on the admission forms and school diary, come in person.

Students should be regular in attendance.

Any damage to school property by a student will have to be born by the student's paretns/guardian.

The school reserves the right to take stern action, even to strke off the name of the students from the school roll against the students who are found guilty of misconduct.
Guidelines for Parents
Use the school diary as medium of communication with the class teacher and check the diary for home work and the teacher's remarks if any.
Sign the test copies/papers as and when sent home.
See to it that your ward has all the text books, iems of stationery, craft materials etc. right in the beginning of the session.
Ensure that your ward comes to school in proper uniform with polished shoes, trimmed hair and nails.
Ensure that all the text and note books are covered with brown paper having a sticker  at the right top.
Send the children regularly and punctually to school. No absence will be permitted without a leave application and late comers will nott be allowed to sit in the class.
Both the parents must attend the Parent-Teacher meet.
Pay the fees as per schedule.
Encourage your child to speak in English. Listening to English news and reading the English newspaper should be a part of his/her routine

Do not walk into the class room or meet the teacher in the class room. Please see the teacher with prior appointment through principal.

Do not visit the teacher at their residence.
Do not send money or valuable articles with the students. The school will take no responsibility in case they are lost.
Do not send the child to school in case of infectious disease and furnish a medical certificate from a medical authority at the time of rejoining the school after illness. this is to

The Above written rules are subject to further addition of some rules, amendments or deletion according to the decision and description of the school management committee (SMC). It is assume that parents/guardian have gone through the prospectus and consented to the rules & regulation and instructions mentioned in it.